जैविक मलको उपयोगिता

एफएओ नेपालले पहिलो प्रादेशिक कार्यालय जनकपुरमा उद्घाटन

काभ्रेको मण्डनदेउपुर बन्यो ‘फोर बेटर’ मोडलको पहिलो नेपाली नमुना गाउँ

Nepal’s First Four Betters Model Village Launched in Mandandeupur Municipality, Kavre

About Us

Association of Nepali Agricultural Journalists (ANAJ) is a not-for-profit professional association of agricultural journalists.

ANAJ was formed in April, 2020 with an aim of uniting the country’s journalists working in the areas of agriculture, food, flower, livestock and forest science. One of the major objectives of ANAJ is to develop the skill and knowledge of agricultural journalists. Embracing the code of ethics, values and principles of journalism, ANAJ will play a role to make agriculture journalism and journalists impartial, accountable and responsible towards society.

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